
  • Organize and represent terror victims

  • Ensure welfare services for terror victims and their families

  • Disseminate information about terrorism and its victims

  • Execute research about terrorist organizations and the anti-Zionist movement

  • Memorialize terror victims

Many victims of terrorism live within Israeli society. Among them are both direct victims of terrorists, and the family members and friends who have been indirectly victimized. Both groups are afflicted for their entire lives by trauma, disability, and mourning. Yet the larger public is not generally aware of them.

At Almagor, we believe that Israeli society has a duty to support the victims of terror, and we work constantly to lessen their burden just a little.

Almagor activities in support of terror victims include:

Emergency activism: When citizens of Israel are under rocket fire, Almagor provides social services and send activists to bomb shelters to provide entertainment and strengthen morale.

Social activities: Almagor workshops, trips for children and for families, holiday functions, Shabbat gatherings, meetings of bereaved parents, personal coaching for young victims, and visits to terror victims and bereaved families provide victims with a social framework in which they strengthen and reinforce each other.

Legal action: Almagor is engaged at home and abroad in the continuing fight against terrorism. Almagor petitions to the Supreme Court and provides representation for terror victims to demand harsh punishment for terrorists, expulsion of suicide terrorists’ families, and demolition of terrorists’ homes. Almagor also provides terror victims with legal assistance to ensure that they receive the social security payments to which they are entitled, consultation for presenting applications for disability recognition, and other important information regarding their rights as terror victims.

Information about terrorism: Almagor organizes meetings with members of the Knesset, foreign parliamentarians, and journalists from Israel and from abroad; vigils and protests against terrorism; delegations to other countries; and collection and dissemination of information on terrorism.

Memorialization of terror victims: Almagor prepares memorial events, provides consultation for composition of memorial books, and sees to funerals and memorial services for lone terror victims.